Problem Description: In the event of a wire spool recall, we need to be able to determine which harnesses used the recalled spool. Currently we do not have an accurate way to determine which assemblies used the wire on the recalled spool. It is likely we can use some kind of handheld scanner and barcode system to implement this system.
Solution: We will use a wireless scanner to scan barcodes on the wire spool every time a new spool is loaded onto the Komax. The scanned data will be stored into a database on our server which we can use to recall for traceability.
System Operation:
1. Vendor/Receiving tags spool with a barcode containing P/N and Qty
2. Receiver writes received date on spool
3. Komax Operator loads wire spool
4. Komax Operator scans wire spool and WO
5. Komax Operator hand keys in received date
6. Komax Operator can begin cutting the WO
a. If the spool runs out or the wire on the WO changes:
i. Proceed to step 3
b. If the WO changes
i. Proceed to step 4
What information will be stored in the database?
1. Required
a. Spool P/N
b. Quantity
c. Received Date
d. WO #
e. Scan Date (date Komax operator scanned the spool)
Who will create the barcode?
1. Our suppliers
2. Receiving
Solution: We will use a wireless scanner to scan barcodes on the wire spool every time a new spool is loaded onto the Komax. The scanned data will be stored into a database on our server which we can use to recall for traceability.
System Operation:
1. Vendor/Receiving tags spool with a barcode containing P/N and Qty
2. Receiver writes received date on spool
3. Komax Operator loads wire spool
4. Komax Operator scans wire spool and WO
5. Komax Operator hand keys in received date
6. Komax Operator can begin cutting the WO
a. If the spool runs out or the wire on the WO changes:
i. Proceed to step 3
b. If the WO changes
i. Proceed to step 4
What information will be stored in the database?
1. Required
a. Spool P/N
b. Quantity
c. Received Date
d. WO #
e. Scan Date (date Komax operator scanned the spool)
Who will create the barcode?
1. Our suppliers
2. Receiving